Lodash is released under theMIT license& supports modern environments.Review thebuild differences& pick one that’s right for you.
Lodash는 MIT 라이선스에 따라 출시되었으며 최신 환경을 지원합니다. 빌드 차이점을 검토하고 적합한 것을 선택하십시오.
설치 방법 | Installation
브라우저에서 바로 사용하기 | In a browser:
<script src="lodash.js"></script>
NPM 사용하기 | Using npm:
$ npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash
Node에서 사용하기 | In Node.js:
// Load the full build.
var _ = require('lodash');
// Load the core build.
var _ = require('lodash/core');
// Load the FP build for immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last methods.
var fp = require('lodash/fp');
// Load method categories.
var array = require('lodash/array');
var object = require('lodash/fp/object');
// Cherry-pick methods for smaller browserify/rollup/webpack bundles.
var at = require('lodash/at');
var curryN = require('lodash/fp/curryN');
노트 | Note: Node.js < 6 REPL 에서 Lodash 사용을 위해 n_를 설치합니다.
왜 Lodash 인가? | Why Lodash?
Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.Lodash’s modular methods are great for:
Lodash는 배열, 숫자, 객체, 문자열 등으로 작업하는 번거로움을 없애 JavaScript를 더 쉽게 만듭니다.Lodash의 모듈식 메서드는 다음과 같은 경우에 적합합니다.
Iterating arrays, objects, & strings 배열, 객체 및 문자열 반복
불면증 증상개선을 목적으로 불면증 화자를 치료하는 방법 중 "불면증 인지행동 치료법"을 모바일 앱으로 구현, 6-9주간 실시간 피드백, 행동중재 및 환자 맞춤형 불면증 치료를 돕는다고 한다.
에임메드는 지난해 9월 만성 불면증 환자를 대상으로 '솜즈의 유효성 및 안전성을 입증하기 위한 확증 임상시험계획(IND)을 식약처로부터 승인받았으며, 지난해 1월부터 7월까지 약 6개월간 서울대병원, 삼성서울병원, 고대안암병원과 임상시험을 진행했으며, 지난해 2월 국내 최초로 식약처 승인을 받은 디지털 치료기기이다.
이에 해당 앱에 대한 처방이 서울대병원, 세브란스를 시작으로 진행되고 있다.
최근 서울대병원에서는 만성 불면증환자 A씨(40대) 에게 처방하여, 6주 동안 솜즈 앱을 통해 매일 수면일기를 기록하고 주간 수면효율에 따른 맞춤형 수면시간(침대에 누워있는 시간)을 처방받아 수면효율을 높일 예정이고, 세브란스병원에서 불면증 환자 A씨(20대)에게 커넥트-DTx 기반인 "솜즈"를 처방했다고 밝혔다.
A씨는 디지털 치료기기를 통해 수면제한, 자극조절, 인지재구성, 근이완, 수면 위생교육 등 불면증 개선을 위한 인지행동치료를 받는다.
카카오 헬스케어에서 드디어 서비스가 런칭 된다. " 초개인화 당뇨병 관리 솔루션 - 2등급 유헬스케어 게이트웨이 소프트웨어" 로 허가 받은 "의료기기" 로!
원격 진료(원격 모니터링)을 위해 개인용체내연속혈당측정시스템에서 측정된 혈당 정보를 무선기술(BLE)을 통해 수집⋅조회⋅분석⋅감시하고 자동⋅수동으로 수집한 정보를 암호화하여 의료기관으로 전송하는 소프트웨어
왜 파스타(PASTA)인가 ?
개인화 서비스(Personalisation)·접근성(Accesibility)·지원(Support)·기술(Technology)·경제성(Affordability) 등 특성을 지니고 있다는 의미로 이들 단어의 첫 글자 조합이다. 이 솔루션이 당뇨병 환자도 ‘파스타’ 같은 음식도 먹으며 생활할 수 있도록 지원한다는 의미도 담겼다.
해당 데이터들을 가지고 어떻게 서비스를 할지 어느정도 예상이 되나, AI까지 접목한다고 하니, 앞으로 "카카오"라는 플랫폼에 어떻게 헬스케어 서비스를 녹여 낼지 궁금해 진다.
(새로운 BT 기기라 연동해보고 싶긴 하다. 기존 아이센스 기기와 크게 다르지 않을 것 같긴 하지만 새로운 거니까! :)
다이어리, 리포트, 커뮤니티, 혈당공유, 파스타 커넥트 로 구성이 되어 있다고 한다.
1. 다이어리
센서로부터 수집된 혈당 데이터, 사용자가 직접 입력한 혈당 데이터를 히스토리 형식으로 한번에 볼 수 있는 다이어리
2. 리포트
CGM 착용 기간 동안 혈당 지표를 보여주는 리포트
3. 커뮤니티
일반 사용자 뿐 아니라 만성질환을 가지고 있는 사용자들에게 유익한 컨텐츠를 피드로 제공
4. 혈당공유
친구들, 가족 등 지인들과 혈당 공유하여 응원, 격려해주는 서비스
5. 파스타 커넥트
앱을 통해 수집한 데이터를 하나의 대시보드 형태로 볼 수 있는 웹 서비스
최소 지원 버전
안드로이드 8.1 이상, 아이폰은 15.1 이상 지원
파스타는 당뇨병 관리 솔루션 최초로 지난달 22일 식품의약품안전처에서 소프트웨어 의료기기 인증을 받기도 했다. 황 대표는 “당뇨병 환자 치료에 진심이라는 것을 보여주기 위해 식약처 인증을 받았다. 카카오헬스케어가 의학적으로 근거 있는 서비스를 정확하게 전달할 것”이라며 “이번 인증으로 파스타를 통한 생활 습관 조정으로 당뇨병 치료에 간접적 효과가 있다는 게 입증됐다”고 말했다.
카카오헬스케어는 파스타를 내년 2월 1일 국내 시장에 출시한다. 국내에서는 카카오헬스케어와 제휴 관계인 덱스콤이나 아이센스의 CGM을 구매하면 이용 비용은 무료다. 황 대표는 “내년 CGM을 새롭게 착용하는 사람의 절반 이상은 ‘파스타’를 이용하도록 할 것”이라고 말했다.
이와 관련한 이벤트도 진행하는데, CGM 구매 시 참여 가능한 이벤트, 관심있는 사람들은 여기로~!
Assigned to organizations by Dun & Bradstreet, a D-U-N-S number is a unique nine-digit identifier that is widely used to verify businesses. Organizations can use Dun & Bradstreet to see if they already have a D-U-N-S number, or request one for free. Many organizations already have a D-U-N-S number as part of doing business. You should check whether your organization has one before applying for a new one. You can do this by searching the Dun and Bradstreet website. You can learn more about D-U-N-S numbers by expanding the sections below.
Large organizations may have multiple D-U-N-S numbers for the different entities that make up the organization, so you must make sure that the one that you use to create your developer account contains the organization details that you’d like to be associated with your developer account.
If you do not have a D-U-N-S number then you can apply for one fromDun and Bradstreet. This process can take up to 30 days so you should plan ahead. You will not be able to create a developer account for an organization without one.
Explore this beginner-friendly program that refines your skills as an entry-level iOS developer, teaching you how to create and manage applications for iOS systems. Unleash your potential in programming fundamentals, UI design, and cross-platform app development while crafting an impressive portfolio with real-world projects.
Have you ever wanted to build outstanding mobile apps like Facebook and Instagram?
This Professional Certificate will teach you how to build applications for iOS devices and start a new career as an iOS Developer. By the end of this program, you’ll be able to create and run a mobile app powered by iOS operating systems.
Once you complete the program, you’ll get access to the Meta Career Programs Job Board—a job search platform that connects you with 200+ employers who have committed to sourcing talent through Meta’s certificate programs, as well as career support resources to help you with your job search.
In this program, you’ll learn:
Essential iOS programming concepts and the tools needed to develop applications
Create user interfaces (UIs) for mobile apps using SwiftUI
Manage the lifecycle and data collections of mobile applications
Work with web technologies and manage data on iOS applications
Build an iOS app
Create cross-platform applications using React Native
Prepare for technical interviews for iOS developer roles
Any third-party trademarks and other intellectual property (including logos and icons) referenced in the learning experience remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, Coursera’s use of third-party intellectual property does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Coursera and the owners of these trademarks or other intellectual property.
응용 학습 프로젝트
Engage in hands-on activities and learn how to implement concepts through applied learning structures.
Create a protocol in Swift
Build a UI for an application in Swift
Develop a native iOS mobile application
In the final course, you will also complete a Capstone project that will require you to utilize your new skillset by building an app. You can add this project to your portfolio and showcase your work during job interviews.
Introduction to iOS Mobile Application Development
iOS17에서 구현될 예정인 티머니 애플페이 교통카의 충전, 잔액관리 등이 운영체제 내에서 제대로 작동하는지 배타 앱을 통해 구현하는 것이 핵심이다. 애플페이는 아이폰 ‘지갑’ 앱에서 선불형 교통카드를 사용할 때 요금 충전이나 잔액 확인 등 기능을 제공한다.
지급결제 업계 전문가는 “티머니에서 애플페이 교통카드 서비스에 앞서 운영체제 내에서 점검을 위한 베타 앱 작업에 들어갔다”면서 “베타 앱을 통해 실제 애플페이 교통카드 서비스처럼 충전이나 잔액 확인 등이iOS에서 제대로 작동하는지 점검하게 될 것”이라고 설명했다.
테스트 중인 베타 앱은 기능 구현 점검을 위한 것으로 애플 정책상 정식iOS17배포 뒤에는 사라진다. 다만 충전을 제외한 확인과 관리 등은 현재 티머니가 서비스하는 ‘티머니페이’ 앱의 업그레이드 버전으로 반영될 가능성이 크다. 실제 일본의 스이카나 파스모 등 교통카드 앱들은 애플페이와 별도로 충전금을 관리·확인하는 앱 서비스를 제공하고 있다.
다만 티머니는 관련 내용에 대해 별도 입장을 밝히지 않았다. 티머니 관계자는 “해당 내용에 관해 확인해줄 수 있는 내용은 없다”고 말했다.
한편 앞서 애플은 최근 열린 연례WWDC이후 개발자 페이지 ‘PK페이먼트네트워크’에 ‘티머니’를 추가했다. 종전 아멕스, 유니온페이(은련),JCB등에 새롭게 티머니를 추가한 것이다. 현재 애플은 티머니를 통해 이르면 9월 국내 애플페이 교통카드 서비스를 탑재한다.
Google Health Connect API Request 을 신청하면 일단 일주일은 소요가 되며, 대략 매주 월요일 정도에 승인 리스트가 나오는 것으로 알려져 있다.
요즘 헬스 커넥트 때문에 health-connect-support 담당자와 1일 1메일을 주고받는다.. 휴...ㅠ
빨리 승인이 되기를 😰
참고 자료
Health Connect by Android Permissions
Data accessed through Health Connect Permissions is regarded as personal and sensitive user data subject to theUser Datapolicy, and the following additional requirements:
Appropriate Access to and Use of Health Connect
Requests to access data through Health Connect must be clear and understandable. Health Connect may only be used in accordance with the applicable policies, terms and conditions, and for approved use cases as set forth in this policy. This means you may only request access to permissions when your application or service meets one of the approved use cases.
Approved use cases for access to Health Connect Permissions are:
Applications or services with one or more features to benefit users' health and fitness via a user interface allowing users to directlyjournal, report, monitor, and/or analyzetheir physical activity, sleep, mental well-being, nutrition, health measurements, physical descriptions, and/or other health or fitness-related descriptions and measurements.
Applications or services with one or more features to benefit users' health and fitness via a user interface allowing users tostoretheir physical activity, sleep, mental well-being, nutrition, health measurements, physical descriptions, and/or other health or fitness-related descriptions and measurements on their phone and/or wearable, and share their data with other on-device apps that satisfy these use cases.
Health Connect is a general purpose data storage and sharing platform that allows users to aggregate health and fitness data from various sources on their Android device and share it with third parties at their election. The data may originate from various sources as determined by the users. Developers must assess whether Health Connect is appropriate for their intended use and to investigate and vet the source and quality of any data from Health Connect in connection with any purpose, and, in particular, for research, health, or medical uses.
Apps conducting health-related human subject research using data obtained through Health Connect must obtain consent from participants or, in the case of minors, their parent or guardian. Such consent must include the (a) nature, purpose, and duration of the research; (b) procedures, risks, and benefits to the participant; (c) information about confidentiality and handling of data (including any sharing with third parties); (d) a point of contact for participant questions; and (e) the withdrawal process. Apps conducting health-related human subject research using data obtained through Health Connect must receive approval from an independent board whose aim is 1) to protect the rights, safety, and well-being of participants and 2) with the authority to scrutinize, modify, and approve human subjects research. Proof of such approval must be provided upon request.
It is also your responsibility for ensuring compliance with any regulatory or legal requirements that may apply based on your intended use of Health Connect and any data from Health Connect. Except as explicitly noted in the labeling or information provided by Google for specific Google products or services, Google does not endorse the use of or warrant the accuracy of any data contained in Health Connect for any use or purpose, and, in particular, for research, health, or medical uses. Google disclaims all liability associated with use of data obtained through Health Connect.
Limited Use
Upon using Health Connect for an appropriate use, your use of the data accessed through Health Connect must also comply with the below requirements. These requirements apply to the raw data obtained from Health Connect, and data aggregated, de-identified, or derived from the raw data.
Limit your use of Health Connect data to providing or improving your appropriate use case or features that are visible and prominent in the requesting application's user interface.
Only transfer user data to third parties:
To provide or improve your appropriate use case or features that are clear from the requesting application's user interface and only with the user’s consent;
If necessary for security purposes (for example, investigating abuse);
To comply with applicable laws and/or regulations; or,
As part of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets of the developer after obtaining explicit prior consent from the user.
Do not allow humans to read user data, unless:
The user's explicit consent to read specific data is obtained;
It’s necessary for security purposes (for example, investigating abuse);
To comply with applicable laws; or,
The data (including derivations) is aggregated and used for internal operations in accordance with applicable privacy and other jurisdictional legal requirements.
All other transfers, uses, or sale of Health Connect data is prohibited, including:
Transferring or selling user data to third parties like advertising platforms, data brokers, or any information resellers.
Transferring, selling, or using user data for serving ads, including personalized or interest-based advertising.
Transferring, selling, or using user data to determine credit-worthiness or for lending purposes.
Transferring, selling, or using the user data with any product or service that may qualify as a medical device pursuant to Section 201(h) of the Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic Act if the user data will be used by the medical device to perform its regulated function.
Transferring, selling, or using user data for any purpose or in any manner involving Protected Health Information (as defined by HIPAA) unless you receive prior written approval to such use from Google.
Access to Health Connect may not be used in violation of this policy or other applicable Health Connect terms and conditions or policies, including for the following purposes:
Do not use Health Connect in developing, or for incorporation into, applications, environments or activities where the use or failure of Health Connect could reasonably be expected to lead to death, personal injury, or environmental or property damage (such as the creation or operation of nuclear facilities, air traffic control, life support systems, or weaponry).
Do not access data obtained through Health Connect using headless apps. Apps must display a clearly identifiable icon in the app tray, device app settings, notification icons, etc.
Do not use Health Connect with apps that sync data between incompatible devices or platforms.
Health Connect cannot connect to applications, services or features that solely target children. Health Connect is not approved for use in primarily child-directed services.
An affirmative statement that your use of Health Connect data complies with Limited Use restrictions must be disclosed in your application or on a website belonging to your web-service or application; for example, a link on a homepage to a dedicated page or privacy policy noting: “The use of information received from Health Connect will adhere to the Health Connect Permissions policy, including theLimited Use requirements.”
Minimum Scope
You may only request access to permissions that are critical to implementing your application or service's functionality.
This means:
Don't request access to information that you don't need. Only request access to the permissions necessary to implement your product's features or services. If your product does not require access to specific permissions, then you must not request access to these permissions.
Transparent and Accurate Notice and Control
Health Connect handles health and fitness data, which includes personal and sensitive information. All applications and services must contain a privacy policy, which must comprehensively disclose how your application or service collects, uses, and shares user data. This includes the types of parties to which any user data is shared, how you use the data, how you store and secure the data, and what happens to the data when an account is deactivated and/or deleted.
In addition to the requirements under applicable law, you must also adhere to the following requirements:
You must provide a disclosure of your data access, collection, use, and sharing. The disclosure:
Must accurately represent the identity of the application or service that seeks access to user data;
Must provide clear and accurate information explaining the types of data being accessed, requested, and/or collected;
Must explain how the data will be used and/or shared: if you request data for one reason, but the data will also be utilized for a secondary purpose, you must notify users of both use cases.
You must provide user help documentation that explains how users can manage and delete their data from your app.
Secure Data Handling
You must handle all user data securely. Take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect all applications or systems that make use of Health Connect against unauthorized or unlawful access, use, destruction, loss, alteration, or disclosure.
Recommended security practices include implementing and maintaining an Information Security Management System such as outlined in ISO/IEC 27001 and ensuring your application or web service is robust and free from common security issues as set out by the OWASP Top 10.
Depending on the API being accessed and number of user grants or users, we will require that your application or service undergo a periodic security assessment and obtain a Letter of Assessment from a designated third party if your product transfers data off the user's own device.
For more information on requirements for apps connecting to Health Connect, please see thishelp article.
Health Connect is a health data platform for Android app developers. It provides a single, consolidated interface for access to users' health & wellness data, and consistent functional behavior across all devices. With Health Connect, users have a secure health & wellness data storage on-device, with full control and transparency over access.
How does Health Connect work?
Health Connect supports more than 50 common health & fitness data types and categories, including: activity, sleep, nutrition, body measurements and vitals like heart rate and blood pressure.
With user permission, developers can securely read from and write data to Health Connect, using standardized schemas and API behavior. Users will have full control over their privacy settings, with granular controls to see which apps are requesting access to data at any given time. The data in Health Connect is stored on-device and encrypted. Users will have the ability to shut off access or delete data they don't want on their device, and the option to prioritize one data source over another when using multiple apps.
Health Connect Architecture
The following is an explanation of Health Connect's key aspects and architectural components:
Client app- to integrate with Health Connect, the client app first links then SDK into their health and fitness app. This provides an API surface to interact with the Health Connect API.
Software Development Kit- the SDK enables the client app to communicate with the Health Connect APK over IPC.
Health Connect APK- this is the APK that implements Health Connect. It contains both its Permissions Management and Data Management components. The Health Connect APK is made available directly on the user's device, making Health Connect device-centric instead of account-centric.
Permissions management- Health Connect includes a user interface through which apps request the user's permission to display data. It also provides a list of existing user permissions. This allows users to easily control and manage the access they have granted or denied to various applications.
Data management- Health Connect provides a user interface with an overview of recorded data, whether it's a user's step counts, cycling speeds, heart rate, or other supported data types.
What you'll build
In this codelab, you're going to build a simple Health and Fitness app integrated with Health Connect. Your app will:
Obtain and check user permissions for data access
Write data to Health Connect
Read aggregated data from Health Connect
What you'll learn
How to setup your environment to support Health Connect integration development
How to obtain permissions and execute permission checks
How to contribute health & fitness data to the Health Connect platform
How to benefit from the on-device data storage
How to validate your app with Google provided developer tools