Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate updates

Starting January 28, 2021, the digital certificates you use to sign your software for installation on Apple devices, submit apps to the App Store, and connect to certain Apple services will be issued from the new intermediate Apple Worldwide Developer Relations certificate that expires on February 20, 2030. Learn how to prepare for the new intermediate certificate.

Using the new certificate with Xcode

If you’re running Xcode 11.4.1 or later, you’ll receive the updated certificate automatically when you sign an app after January 28, 2021. If you’re running an earlier release of Xcode and need to generate new certificates, download and install the new intermediate certificate and utilize the command line to sign your app. You can also archive your build with your existing Xcode version and sign it for distribution with Xcode 11.4.1 or later.

Why is the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority being updated now if the current version doesn’t expire until 2023?

Certificates cannot be issued with a validity period that extends past the intermediate certificate’s expiration date. Updating the intermediate certificate allows developers to obtain certificates before expiration that last for the expected duration, and provides ample time to prepare for the expiration of the existing intermediate certificate.

Do I need to regenerate any of my certificates?

No. Your existing certificates will continue to function until expiration or revocation, whichever comes first.

Will customers be affected by the certificate renewal?

No. Customers who have installed apps from the App Store or Safari Extensions will not be affected by the certificate renewal.

Will my apps in development continue working?

Yes. The development versions of your apps will continue to run until the provisioning profile used to compile them expires or you revoke your signing certificate.

Will my in-house enterprise apps continue working?

Yes. All in-house enterprise apps for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, or watchOS that you’ve deployed will continue to run as expected until the provisioning profile used to compile them expires or you revoke your signing certificate. The iOS Distribution Certificate for the Apple Developer Enterprise Program was updated on September 1, 2020. iOS Distribution Certificates generated as part of the Apple Developer Enterprise Program between February 7 and September 1, 2020, will expire on February 7, 2023. Rotate the certificate before expiration to ensure your apps are installed and signed with an active certificate.

Should I keep both intermediate certificates installed?

Yes. The intermediate certificate that expires on February 7, 2023, will continue to issue select Apple services certificates, including Apple Push Notification service (APNs) SSL certificates and Apple Wallet pass signing certificates, so you should keep both versions installed on your development systems and servers. See the complete list and timeline of certificate changes below.

In what cases should I continue using the certificate that expires in 2023?

Continue using the existing Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate (expiring in 2023) if you use any of the certificates signed with it that are listed below. These services will be updated with a new intermediate certificate (expiring in 2030) by the the end of 2021. Keep both versions installed on your development systems and servers until later this year.

  • Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox)
  • Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox and Production)
  • macOS Apple Push Notification service SSL (Production)
  • Website Push ID
  • WatchKit Services
  • VoIP Services
  • Pass Type ID
  • Pass Type ID with NFC support
  • App Store Receipt Signing

Is Developer ID signed software affected?

No. Developer ID signing certificates are associated with a different intermediate certificate and aren’t affected by this renewal.

Certificate update timeline

These certificates will be issued with the new intermediate certificate (expiring in 2030).

September 1, 2020

iOS Distribution for Enterprise Developer Program memberships

January 28, 2021

  • Apple Development
  • Apple Distribution
  • iOS App Development
  • iOS Distribution (App Store and Ad Hoc)
  • Mac Development
  • Mac App Distribution
  • Mac Installer Distribution
  • Apple Pay Merchant Identity

Updated by end of 2021

  • Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox)
  • Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox and Production)
  • macOS Apple Push Notification service SSL (Production)
  • Website Push ID
  • WatchKit Services
  • VoIP Services
  • Pass Type ID
  • Pass Type ID with NFC support
  • App Store Receipt Signing

No changes

These certificates are not associated with the Apple Worldwide Developer Intermediate Certificate and are not affected by this change.

  • Developer ID Application
  • Developer ID Application with KEXT
  • Developer ID Installer
  • Apple Pay Payment Processing



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UIModalPresentationStyle - UIKit | Apple Developer Documentation

Enumeration UIModalPresentationStyle Modal presentation styles available when presenting view controllers. Declarationenum UIModalPresentationStyle : Int TopicsPresentationscase noneA presentation style that indicates no adaptations should be made. case fu



Predefined sounds

There are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (decimal), as shown below (from 2.0 to 5.0 beta). The system sounds are all stored in /System/Library/Audio/UISounds/.


Sound ID File name (iPhone) File name (iPod Touch) Category Note
1000 new-mail.caf new-mail.caf MailReceived  
1001 mail-sent.caf mail-sent.caf MailSent  
1002 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf VoicemailReceived  
1003 ReceivedMessage.caf ReceivedMessage.caf SMSReceived  
1004 SentMessage.caf SentMessage.caf SMSSent  
1005 alarm.caf sq_alarm.caf CalendarAlert  
1006 low_power.caf low_power.caf LowPower  
1007 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf SMSReceived_Alert  
1008 sms-received2.caf sms-received2.caf SMSReceived_Alert  
1009 sms-received3.caf sms-received3.caf SMSReceived_Alert  
1010 sms-received4.caf sms-received4.caf SMSReceived_Alert  
1011 - - SMSReceived_Vibrate  
1012 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf SMSReceived_Alert  
1013 sms-received5.caf sms-received5.caf SMSReceived_Alert  
1014 sms-received6.caf sms-received6.caf SMSReceived_Alert  
1015 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf - Available since 2.1
1016 tweet_sent.caf tweet_sent.caf SMSSent Available since 5.0
1020 Anticipate.caf Anticipate.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1021 Bloom.caf Bloom.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1022 Calypso.caf Calypso.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1023 Choo_Choo.caf Choo_Choo.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1024 Descent.caf Descent.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1025 Fanfare.caf Fanfare.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1026 Ladder.caf Ladder.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1027 Minuet.caf Minuet.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1028 News_Flash.caf News_Flash.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1029 Noir.caf Noir.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1030 Sherwood_Forest.caf Sherwood_Forest.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1031 Spell.caf Spell.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1032 Suspense.caf Suspense.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1033 Telegraph.caf Telegraph.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1034 Tiptoes.caf Tiptoes.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1035 Typewriters.caf Typewriters.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1036 Update.caf Update.caf SMSReceived_Alert Available since 4.2
1050 ussd.caf ussd.caf USSDAlert  
1051 SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf SIMToolkitTone  
1052 SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf SIMToolkitTone  
1053 SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf SIMToolkitTone  
1054 SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf SIMToolkitTone  
1055 SIMToolkitSMS.caf SIMToolkitSMS.caf SIMToolkitTone  
1057 Tink.caf Tink.caf PINKeyPressed  
1070 ct-busy.caf ct-busy.caf AudioToneBusy There was no category for this sound before 4.0.
1071 ct-congestion.caf ct-congestion.caf AudioToneCongestion There was no category for this sound before 4.0.
1072 ct-path-ack.caf ct-path-ack.caf AudioTonePathAcknowledge There was no category for this sound before 4.0.
1073 ct-error.caf ct-error.caf AudioToneError There was no category for this sound before 4.0.
1074 ct-call-waiting.caf ct-call-waiting.caf AudioToneCallWaiting There was no category for this sound before 4.0.
1075 ct-keytone2.caf ct-keytone2.caf AudioToneKey2 There was no category for this sound before 4.0.
1100 lock.caf sq_lock.caf ScreenLocked  
1101 unlock.caf sq_lock.caf ScreenUnlocked  
1102 - - FailedUnlock  
1103 Tink.caf sq_tock.caf KeyPressed  
1104 Tock.caf sq_tock.caf KeyPressed  
1105 Tock.caf sq_tock.caf KeyPressed  
1106 beep-beep.caf sq_beep-beep.caf ConnectedToPower  
1107 RingerChanged.caf RingerChanged.caf RingerSwitchIndication  
1108 photoShutter.caf photoShutter.caf CameraShutter  
1109 shake.caf shake.caf ShakeToShuffle Available since 3.0
1110 jbl_begin.caf jbl_begin.caf JBL_Begin Available since 3.0
1111 jbl_confirm.caf jbl_confirm.caf JBL_Confirm Available since 3.0
1112 jbl_cancel.caf jbl_cancel.caf JBL_Cancel Available since 3.0
1113 begin_record.caf begin_record.caf BeginRecording Available since 3.0
1114 end_record.caf end_record.caf EndRecording Available since 3.0
1115 jbl_ambiguous.caf jbl_ambiguous.caf JBL_Ambiguous Available since 3.0
1116 jbl_no_match.caf jbl_no_match.caf JBL_NoMatch Available since 3.0
1117 begin_video_record.caf begin_video_record.caf BeginVideoRecording Available since 3.0
1118 end_video_record.caf end_video_record.caf EndVideoRecording Available since 3.0
1150 vc~invitation-accepted.caf vc~invitation-accepted.caf VCInvitationAccepted Available since 4.0
1151 vc~ringing.caf vc~ringing.caf VCRinging Available since 4.0
1152 vc~ended.caf vc~ended.caf VCEnded Available since 4.0
1153 ct-call-waiting.caf ct-call-waiting.caf VCCallWaiting Available since 4.1
1154 vc~ringing.caf vc~ringing.caf VCCallUpgrade Available since 4.1
1200 dtmf-0.caf dtmf-0.caf TouchTone  
1201 dtmf-1.caf dtmf-1.caf TouchTone  
1202 dtmf-2.caf dtmf-2.caf TouchTone  
1203 dtmf-3.caf dtmf-3.caf TouchTone  
1204 dtmf-4.caf dtmf-4.caf TouchTone  
1205 dtmf-5.caf dtmf-5.caf TouchTone  
1206 dtmf-6.caf dtmf-6.caf TouchTone  
1207 dtmf-7.caf dtmf-7.caf TouchTone  
1208 dtmf-8.caf dtmf-8.caf TouchTone  
1209 dtmf-9.caf dtmf-9.caf TouchTone  
1210 dtmf-star.caf dtmf-star.caf TouchTone  
1211 dtmf-pound.caf dtmf-pound.caf TouchTone  
1254 long_low_short_high.caf long_low_short_high.caf Headset_StartCall  
1255 short_double_high.caf short_double_high.caf Headset_Redial  
1256 short_low_high.caf short_low_high.caf Headset_AnswerCall  
1257 short_double_low.caf short_double_low.caf Headset_EndCall  
1258 short_double_low.caf short_double_low.caf Headset_CallWaitingActions  
1259 middle_9_short_double_low.caf middle_9_short_double_low.caf Headset_TransitionEnd  
1300 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf SystemSoundPreview  
1301 ReceivedMessage.caf ReceivedMessage.caf SystemSoundPreview  
1302 new-mail.caf new-mail.caf SystemSoundPreview  
1303 mail-sent.caf mail-sent.caf SystemSoundPreview  
1304 alarm.caf sq_alarm.caf SystemSoundPreview  
1305 lock.caf sq_lock.caf SystemSoundPreview  
1306 Tock.caf sq_tock.caf KeyPressClickPreview The category was SystemSoundPreview before 3.2.
1307 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf SMSReceived_Selection  
1308 sms-received2.caf sms-received2.caf SMSReceived_Selection  
1309 sms-received3.caf sms-received3.caf SMSReceived_Selection  
1310 sms-received4.caf sms-received4.caf SMSReceived_Selection  
1311 - - SMSReceived_Vibrate  
1312 sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf SMSReceived_Selection  
1313 sms-received5.caf sms-received5.caf SMSReceived_Selection  
1314 sms-received6.caf sms-received6.caf SMSReceived_Selection  
1315 Voicemail.caf Voicemail.caf SystemSoundPreview Available since 2.1
1320 Anticipate.caf Anticipate.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1321 Bloom.caf Bloom.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1322 Calypso.caf Calypso.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1323 Choo_Choo.caf Choo_Choo.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1324 Descent.caf Descent.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1325 Fanfare.caf Fanfare.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1326 Ladder.caf Ladder.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1327 Minuet.caf Minuet.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1328 News_Flash.caf News_Flash.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1329 Noir.caf Noir.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1330 Sherwood_Forest.caf Sherwood_Forest.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1331 Spell.caf Spell.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1332 Suspense.caf Suspense.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1333 Telegraph.caf Telegraph.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1334 Tiptoes.caf Tiptoes.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1335 Typewriters.caf Typewriters.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1336 Update.caf Update.caf SMSReceived_Selection Available since 4.2
1350 - - RingerVibeChanged  
1351 - - SilentVibeChanged  
4095 - - Vibrate There was no category for this sound before 2.2.
In the SDK this is the constant kSystemSoundID_Vibrate.


AudioServices - iPhone Development Wiki

From iPhone Development Wiki AudioServices is a group of C functions in AudioToolbox for playing short (≤30 seconds) sounds. Predefined sounds There are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (decimal), as shown be


Index of /phonetones/unzipped/Apple-iOS10/System/Library/Audio/UISounds/New



개발 APNs는 subtitle이 없어도 push가 되지만, 상용 APNs에 subtitle 이 등록 되어야 push가능.  


no such module 'alamofire'


> 이건 순서가 중요하다. 


1) Git Repository 에서 workspace를 먼저 열지 말고, 커맨드창으로 간다.  

2) 소스가 있는 경로로 가서 pod을 업데이트 한다. 

pod update

3) 그 후에 xcode.workspace를 열어서 빌드를 한다. 


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